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How to you look fear in the face and not flinch?

March 19, 2012


How do you look fear in the face and not flinch? Chest aches, palms sweat, horrid images of failure flashes through our minds. We all have dreams and aspiration, but like a sneaky beast this feeling of fear creeps up on us and plants doubt. So we live in fear, we stick with the status quo, we don’t try new things. We grow old and we look back…to a life we never had. We accomplished a few things, but our dreams were never fulfilled. If we only had a time machine we’d look fear right in the face and spit in it. It would no longer keep your mind captive. Because fear is just a thought and thoughts are not real. Therefore your fear is imaginary. The world will judge you none of the less. But it will not stand in the way of what you aspire.

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